
On parody search engines…

Compare and contrast: (1) Me making a funny at Google’s expense a couple of years ago: Google Pornfinder and (2) The site recently launched to help the world find porn (as reported in this Boing Boing entry): Booble. What next? Should I expect someone to genetically engineer Fifty-foot cat-killing laser-eyed chickens?

3 replies on “On parody search engines…”

x is for…
…well… not much really! So rather than exercising my brain (like Kate managed to do to fantastic effect), I am going to bend the rules and use words with ‘x’ in them. Yes, I know john o, I’m a big…

x is for…
…well… not much really! So rather than exercising my brain (like Kate managed to do to fantastic effect), I am going to bend the rules and use words with ‘x’ in them. Yes, I know john o, I’m a big…

And just like that…Booble no more
You know, sometimes it is just scary, how predictable the internet can be. We all knew that Google would crack down on nuisance that was Booble, the inappropriately named vaporware (because it disappeared as fast as it came online) that…

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