
I wish you a Merry Christmas…

You know what drives me mad? “Happy Christmas”. It’s been driving me a bit nuts for a while now. Surely it’s “Merry Christmas”? Cos otherwise how can you say, “Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year”? Google agrees with me: Merry Christmas (661,000 results) vs. Happy Christmas (183,000 results). So stop it, advertising wankers. Stop it TV people. Stop it, annoying card makers. Merry is better. It means drunk.

Anyway, I’m off to see the family today, so I would imagine posting will be even more sporadic than normal over the next week or so. I hope you all have a good time visiting family and stuff. I’ll be back online properly in a few scant days, no doubt busting at the seams with enthusiasm and turkey and ideas and vim. In the meantime, if you want to do something good in the world, why not donate to Oxfam US, Oxfam UK or to Stonewall. And if that’s all a bit worthy for you and you’ve enjoyed the guff I’ve pumped out over the last hundred years, then why not buy me a present or something. Best wishes… xx Tom

17 replies on “I wish you a Merry Christmas…”

Merry Christmas indeed. I had thought Happy Christmas was a British thing as I heard it in the late 80s while I was living there. If it is the media, damn them and lumps of coal in their stockings.

I find it odd that there is a couple of people here both stating that in Ireland they say Happy Christmas because I’d always associated it with the English.
Both my Welsh and Irish relatives say Merry Christmas as do I, but then my family is a bunch of drunkards. 😀

“Merry Christmas” is said so many times that it’s like a seasonal “Have a Nice Day”. I like Happy Christmas because it sounds a bit different. I noticed how much I liked it when it was said in the first Harry Potter movie.

I’m glad the seasonal debate is over… ‘Christmas’ is a contraction… we celebrated Christ’s Mass until Dickens and Marketing made it Merry… So why on earth does it matter if the holiday is Merry or Happy? Just Celebrate Christ’mas and be Merry and Happy!

It was originaly “Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year” here in England. All you yanks and media/advertising atarted off the whole merry christmas thing and people here say it now too. So I try to keep the old tradition alive.
Happy Christmas and a very Merry New Year!!
(notice the date is actually christmas day!)

it seems most of europe says happy christmas. I grew up in a German Household..where we would say “Frohe Weinhachten” which translates to “Happy Christmas”. so it’s sorta normal to me

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